Saturday, January 28, 2012

Welcome to Paul Phan's and Jordan Heffler's Science Fair Project

This is our Environmental Showcase. We have been blessed with this great opportunity to inform and educate the public about the current problems that we are facing in the environment. On this blog, we have separate pages about the different aspects of our environmental issue. To view these pages, click on the page links at the top of the page. We hope that you are able to learn about the precious ozone layer, and change your minds and daily ways of life to save the layer.

This experience has been a hard-working yet fun time. This project has strengthened our friendship and has taught us many new things about our troubling world. As the next generation of innovators and thinkers, we are determined to change this world and make a difference in people's lives. We hope that this project is one of our first works to create a better world.  

We would like to acknowledge our parents for their hard work and dedication, Mrs.Wolbert to give us this wonderful opportunity, God for everything that he has given us, our other beloved teachers who try to help us everyday, and especially, our loving families and friends who motivates us everyday to achieve.
Paul and Jordan