Here are some possibilities:
First, all production and usage of CFC's must be stopped. Companies should be held responsible by the government for creating such a disaster to the environment, so that we are for certain
We also need to find other alternatives instead of these compounds which have no or litte impact for global warming potential, so we may be able to give the ozone layer
Even though, CFC's are difficult to limit use and nearly impossible to eliminate from exisitence.
Awareness has to increase if we can ever have the idea that we are going to control the depletion. Luckily, CFC emissions have decreased, but we need to continue so that there will be no more CFC's.
As individuals, we should follow the Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, initiative to help control climate change which has a key part for the layer to recover. In addition, we should educate others and try to live lives with limited use of these chemicals.
As a nation, we need to persuade our government to take more measure to stop all CFC's in our nation and persuade other nations to stop as well. We need to be educated, and as smart people, we should be able to develop other ways to supply for the needs that CFCs helped plenish.
All these solutions will help because we will find the culprits and stop them. We will be able to give the earth more time to recover. We will be able to stop the use from education, and the hole will increase its concentrations eventually.
Always reduce, reuse, and recycle |